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We Believe

  • We believe the King James Bible is the authentic Word of God, teaching us to live soberly and righteously in this present evil world.

  • We believe in an omnipotent God who sent his only begotten Son to a lost and dying world. His mission was to redeem man back into a full relationship with His Father.

  • We believe in the virgin birth of Christ and that He lived among men for thirty-three and a half years, yet without sin.

  • We believe in the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus back to the right hand on the Father.

  • We believe in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost that launched the Early Church, full of the Power and Glory of God.

  • We believe that church fell in apostacy and will be restored again in the last day.


  • We believe in the repentance from dead works and Water Baptism by immersion.


  • We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and changing your life to live holy and righteously before God.


  • We believe in the soon coming of Jesus to redeem His Bride and together they will rule during the next thousand years.


  • We are a people dedicated to the study of God’s Word and the following of his will in our everyday life.

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